Sunday, December 12, 2010

What does Jane Austen have to do with my book?

Jane Austen has been a great influence on many historical novels that are out there today. Even mine. I admit that I was not a fan of hers until a few years ago when I saw Pride and Prejudice on TV with Laurence Olivier. Then, shortly after, I saw Sense and Sensibility and I was hooked. When Emma came out, I was salivating and that was when I had to get a hold of Austen's books. But when I did, I was sorely disappointed. The fine details, the dialogue, that made the stories so fantastic was missing in her books. Even the section when Mr. Knightley proposes to Emma is lacking in emotion. Yet, many books now are being published with characters from her books as main characters in these new books.

I chose to write during the time of the 1820s because of a significant Greek war that took place in Greece. With that as a backdrop, I researched as much as I could the war, but because the main story takes place in England, I had to also research the mannerisms and clothing of the period in England. But the funny thing was, that as I wrote my story, I could just picture the Jane Austen characters, how they would say things and what they would wear. That helped me a lot to be in that time period.

My book THE GREEK MAIDEN AND THE ENGLISH LORD was reviewed by Kristina Emmons, author of Roeing Oaks on the hisotricalnovelreview site. Below is the link to the review.

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