Saturday, February 19, 2011

Why Fiction is Important (and other thoughts)

Our lives are so much more complicated these days than our parents times, given the technology that we have at our fingertips - computers, iphones, GPS, DVDs, wifi, and so on. It can be downright stressful at times!

We live in an information age almost spiraling out of control. The Internet is brimming with information, and so are the news. With so much negative news coming at us (riots in Egypt, 2012 dire predictions, global economic issues, etc.) it seems that it is never ending. In addition, there are life issues that can be traumatic, depressing, or downright ugly, and coupled with the negative news it can be very stressful living in this current world.

I find during these times, that just switching gears for a few minutes or even an hour or two here or there to read fiction, is a great respite and escape from the world we live in.
My latest novel THE GREEK MAIDEN AND THE ENGLISH LORD was intended to be an entertaining escape from the modern world as well as a stressbuster. I am very content with happy endings in the novels I read and write. I stay away from reading novels that are too realistic and depressing. I get enough of that from reading the news.

Here is a short poem I wrote:

Dare to Dream

Dare to dream with hopes filled high -
To fly with eagles in the sky
Lured by promises of happy thoughts,
Dare to dream what life dares naught.

Focus on the positive, uplifting, loving, and good things in life, and they will come abundantly to you.

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