Saturday, December 02, 2023

Director for the American Friends of the Blind in Greece

Recently, I was invited by the president of the American Friends of the Blind in Greece, Mr. Bob Adams, to become a Director on their Board of Directors. I had known about this charitable organization for several years and this was the first time I had been approached to delve into the workings of the organization. After an interview process, where I was asked many questions and I also asked my own questions, I was satisfied with the transparent answers I received. I accepted the offer for this three-year term, and was voted in a few days ago. I am excited to be a part of this fine group of people.

I hope to contribute my education, talent, and skills in helping such an honorable and devoted organization continue its mission and move forward with its goals. 

We take our sight for granted, but what about those who have never had a chance to use it? They have been disadvantaged from birth. Others have diminished eyesight. I can empathize with them because as I grow older, I see that my own eyesight has been affected over time. So we must preserve our eyes as best we can for they are the pathway to the soul. We must also help those who have not been lucky in having eyesight. 

I recall watching the Helen Keller movie years ago when I was young. It had touched me. I could not imagine what she, as a little girl was experiencing. It must have been frightening. I remember shutting my eyes and trying to feel around me to see what it was like, and it was a little scary! But Helen Keller beat all odds and went on to achieve greatness. It can be done.

AFBG has done so much to help the blind people in Greece since 1946, such as teaching them job  and agrarian skills, and funding several projects. I am including their website here for you to visit where you can read more about their efforts and achievements over the years:

Thanks for stopping by!

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